A) Rubber compensator with integrated flanges from 2 sides (per picture attached. We indicated on picture that it is between membrane slurry pump and pipe).
Internal diameter=150 mm
內直徑= 150毫米
External diameter=159 mm
外部直徑= 159毫米
Length=40-50 cm
長度= 40 – 50厘米
Process pressure that hose needs to be resistant to=16 bar
過程壓力軟管需要耐= 16條
Slurry type: Copper concentrate, it is abrasive (not corrosive)
B) Steel flanges (to connect rubber compensator to the steel pipe)
Internal diameter D=150mm
內直徑D = 150毫米
1. The length 40-50 cm were chosen to have enough space to install and fix bolts. What is the closest length that you can find?
1。40 – 50厘米長度選擇有足夠的空間來安裝和固定螺栓。*接近的長度是多少,你能找到嗎?
2. Metal compensator is rejected.
3. Single ball is ok
4. Completely abrasive inside (outside doesn’t matter)
Slurry type: Copper gold concentrate with density 55-60%, it is abrasive (not corrosive). Working temperature from +5 up to +40 by celcium
泥漿類型:銅金精礦密度55 – 60%,是磨料(不腐蝕)。工作溫度由celcium從+ 5到40 +
ph 7 – 10; grain size classification: 90% – 0.074 mm,
ph值7 – 10;粒度分類:90% – 0.074毫米,
A) Rubber compensator with integrated flanges from 2 sides.
Internal diameter=150 mm
內直徑= 150毫米
External diameter=159 mm
外部直徑= 159毫米
Length=40-50 cm
長度= 40 – 50厘米
Process pressure that hose needs to be resistant to=16 bar
過程壓力軟管需要耐= 16條
Slurry type: Copper gold concentrate with density 55-60%, it is abrasive (not corrosive). Working temperature from +5 up to +40 by celcium
泥漿類型:銅金精礦密度55 – 60%,是磨料(不腐蝕)。工作溫度由celcium從+ 5到40 +
ph 7 – 10; grain size classification: 90% – 0.074 mm,
ph值7 – 10;粒度分類:90% – 0.074毫米,
Qty: 6 each
B) Steel flanges (to connect rubber compensator to the steel pipe)
Internal diameter D=150mm
內直徑D = 150毫米
Qty: 6 each
Flange bore DIN
以上就是*外客戶咨詢銅精礦泥漿上海橡膠軟接頭的技術資料,如需了解更多關于銅精礦泥漿上海橡膠軟接頭的技術資料您可以登錄我們的官方網站:http://m.jsmymm.cn/ 或者撥打我們技術服務熱線:021-60547776 15221366665(24小時服務熱線)